Newest Podcast Episode

John Strazza, father, husband, and Christian speaker, teaches a focused, peaceful, inspiring, and loving message. His foundational teachings are anointed and life changing, centered on the Gospel and in the simplicity of Christ.

Listen to more of these powerful messages and teachings on our podcast series, The Word to Wisdom. Click banner below to listen…

John Strazza - Speaker

Our Books

Lisa and I are both authors and currently have two books for you to read and grow with.

We have had many wondeful testimonies from people who have read our books–we hope you will enjoy them too.

Available in Paperback or eBook  

Defeating Your Goliath
By Lisa Strazza

Defeating Your Goliath by Lisa Strazza

Faith that Gets Results
By John Strazza

Faith that Gets Results by John Strazza


Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding.
Proverbs 4:7